I am an avid of reader of all sorts of information and the other day I came across an article titled "Clean Up Your Mental Hygiene". It didn't elaborate much on the topic, but I asked a few co-workers of what their thoughts were in regards to mental hygiene. They all found the topic to be interesting!
Our thoughts were pretty much the same. We come across so many individuals with so many problems. I personally feel people think they're getting the raw end of life, as if society owes them something. The article stated that people have a genetic "set point" for their level of happiness. If you feel your DNA is to blame for your low score on the satisfaction scale, you can reset your set point using various techniques, including meditation.
Why do we feel this way? What do you feel that could make life better or to your satisfaction? Are we in charge of our own happiness? We tend to let others decide our way of life, in which, there's no need to let someone else dictate your happiness. I come across all sorts of people each and every day, and I would say only 1 out of 20 are somewhat pleased with life. We must strive to attain happiness, it's not something that is put on a platter, given to you in a report or a doctor examining you to let you know that your life sucks. We know the answer to our problems, but what do we do, COMPLAIN & BITCH about someone else. Screw that person, and think what exactly could be done by that person to make you happy. If we put someone other than our self in charge of our mental cleansing, would we be content. NO!!!
So tomorrow, when you start upon your journey, be happy, leave the negativity at the door, don't think about Johnnie or whomever. It's all about you, because I know it's definitely about ME. I'm happy about 98% of the time, and the other 2%, I just choose to feel ugh. Just as my stationery read, Hassle Me, I'm Stress Free. No one can steal my joy. I meditate, write in my journal, read some informative material, eat good, healthy food daily.
So, I suggest to you, cleanse your mind, body and soul. Whether you greet someone with a hug, a kiss, or do something nice for someone, it can help you smile more. Life is about feeling beautiful, smiling, and being at peace. Open up your soul and let the rays flow though your spirit and I guarantee you will feel better within minutes. Try it!
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